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Club Cosmos grundades i Göteborg år 1954 och är Sveriges äldsta ännu aktiva Science Fiction förening. För information om medlemskap, se kontaktsidan.
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Teknik, konst, litteratur, livsstil, idéer! Dags att börja piffa korsetten, putsa goggles och tänka på vilken kravatt som är snyggast! Den 24 oktober blir det nämligen steampunkbal i Göteborg. Vad som utlovas är en kväll med historisk mat, dans till levande musik och vackra terum att mingla i. Det är föreningen Steampunk i Götheborg. GeekPoddens reportage från steampunkmässan i Götheborg. Nu är det bråda daga.
The cake is a lie. Hope you found something you enjoy! If you do and end up perhaps purchasing something, please let the retailer know you found it trough Bumpi. Today I have been here for 30 years. Its weird to think about, its weird to say 10 years ago I was 20. But thats the way it is. For my birthday I got a pair of pants I have been dying to get my hands on. Its the fancy pants from Emmys Design. How to save your wet phone. DONT TURN IT ON! If it ha.
Mini Documentary on The Last Mughal Zafar narrated by William Dalrymple. Mirza Abu Zafar Sirajuddin Muhammad Bahadur Shah was the last Mughal emperor. He succeeded his father, Akbar II, on his death in 1837. Under nom de plume Zafar, which means victory, he was a prolific Urdu poet, writing many ghazals. His authority was limited to the city of Delhi only. Make sure to check out al.
And Moniek, what can.
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